Causes of Dry Eye
Dry Eye Disease is a multifactorial disease. Often there are multiple reasons you are affected… some that you can control but others that you can’t. The prevalence of dry eye disease has increased due to the increased use of digital devices, medication use and environmental irritants & allergens. This also means that often the treatment for your symptoms needs to be varied according to your individual case.
Environmental Factors.
Our modern life takes its toll on the eyes. Air conditioning, computer & smart phone use, air pollution, wind, smoke, hot weather & hot room temperature, low humidity - all impact how comfortable our eyes are
Being Female.
Females are more likely to develop and suffer from symptoms of dry eye disease. This can also be affected by menopause, menstruation, HRT and the contraceptive pill
As well as the systemic diseases that are linked to dry eye disease, some medications for these diseases and others impact our tear function - HRT, antihistamines, diuretics, beta-blockers, oral contraceptives, antidepressants, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as preservatives in topical eye medications - can all impact our tears
Systemic Disease.
Many health conditions influence the eye. Common ones reported to be associated with dry eyes are Arthritis, Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, IBS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Multiple Sclerosis & Lupus.
Skin Conditions.
Our skin health can also be associated with how comfortable our eyes are. Eczema, Psoriasis and Acne Rosacea are all associated with eye irritation and dry eye disease
Other Eye Conditions.
Unfortunately many eye diseases impact Dry Eye Disease including Blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Demodex Blepharitis, Lid Wiper Epitheliopathy, Pterygium & Pinguecula, Eyelid malposition (lagophthalmos, ptosis), Eye Injuries & Burns and Blink Disorders are all conditions that make dry eye symptoms worse and your eye care professional should manage
Lifestyle Factors.
Lifestyle choices also play a role. Poor diet, poor water intake, Botox and of course, extended computer and screen use, smoking, vaping and your sleep habits all impact the formation and evaporation rate of the layers of our tears
Make Up.
Make up formulations and application techniques can play a role in Dry Eyes. Eyeliner has been shown to induce tear film instability and meibomian gland dysfunction.
All the other things.
The list hasn’t ended - there are many other things that influence how comfortable our eyes are: Increasing age, contact lenses, prior eye surgery (refractive surgery, blepharoplasty). Ethnicity also plays a role with those of Asian decent having higher reported symptoms and signs