The Pros and Cons of Lash Extensions
Eyelash extensions can give you gorgeous, lush lashes without the daily hassle of mascara—but if you suffer from dry eye, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the potential risks.
How Healthy Habits Can Protect Your Child's Eyes
Encouraging your child to play outside, eat a balanced diet, and maintain a healthy weight could do more than just boost their overall well-being—it might also protect their eye health
Contact Lenses - It’s Complicated
Dry eye disease can make wearing contact lenses challenging. Whether you experience discomfort with your current lenses or have underlying dry eye disease but still want to wear contacts, there are options and strategies to help you achieve both comfort and clear vision.
Wearing contact lenses with dry eye disease is possible with the right approach and products. By exploring the latest lens technologies and working closely with your eye care professional, you can find solutions that provide both comfort and clear vision.
Why Do I Get Dry Eyes At Night?
The Struggle is Real
Dry eyes are annoying anytime, but at night, they turn into a whole new beast. Imagine: trying to sleep with gritty, burning eyes, or waking up with them glued shut. For many with dry eye disease, this is their reality.
Should You Be Worried About Eyelash Extensions? A Clinician's Perspective
Love those long, luscious lashes? But have you considered the potential impact on your eyes?
A recent study suggests eyelash extensions may cause temporary discomfort like dryness or irritation, and even impact tear film stability (potentially affecting dry eye sufferers more). While the study was small, it highlights the importance of being informed before you get glam. ✨
Don't Let Dry Eyes Steal Your Summer Sunshine!
Sunshine, beaches, barbecues...but wait, are dry eyes holding you back from summer fun? Don't let them! Here are your sizzling tips to keep your eyes cool and refreshed
Professional In Practice Therapies Spotlight - LLLT
Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is another therapy consideration for those with dry eye disease due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Quick, safe and painless, it works via photobiomodulation on the eyelids and periorbital area — using LED light of near-infrared wavelength.
Dry Eye & Your Health
Did you know your systemic health may be one of the key reasons your eyes are Dry?
The New Kid on the Block…
A new innovative lubricating option to relieve the signs and symptoms of dry eye is the preservative-free, eye drop emulsion, Cationorm®.
Is it Dry Eye or Digital Eyestrain?
Our modern life keeps us inside fairly often.... be it too hot outside or raining....whether we're working, socialising or relaxing; most of us spend a lot of time inside, on screens. So if our eyes are sore, is it because of Digital Eyestrain or Dry Eyes?
Back to Work
How is being back at work going? Are you eyes feeling tired, sore, gritty?
Our eyes weren’t designed to be constantly in front of a screen; especially for long periods with in temperature controlled environments.
Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Cause Dry Eye?
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common, chronic disease affecting 1-2% of the population. It's a form of inflammatory arthritis and an autoimmune disease. So can it affect the eyes?
How does Sleep Influence how your Eyes Feel?
Sleep and Dry Eye Disease appear to have an interesting relationship. Poor sleep impacts many aspects of tear production and how your eyes feel…
Allergies vs Dry Eyes
Allergies can significantly impact how comfortable our eyes are - do itchy, watery, puffy and sore eyes bother you? Seasonal and perennial allergies have symptoms of their own but can also be more problematic if you have drier eyes. When eyes are drier, there aren’t as many tears to flush away allergens.
Eye Drop 101
Eye Drops? Artificial Tears? Lubricants? Whatever you want to call them lubricating eye drops do form the basis of most dry eye management plans.
What about Warm Compresses?
Warm Compresses play a key in managing tired eyes, eye irritation, blepharitis, styes, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and Dry Eye Disease.
Dry Eye in Children is on the Rise
Have your children been complaining of sore eyes??? Could they be dry??? Are they too young for that?? How has the pandemic influenced this?
Have your Eyes Been doing it tough in the pandemic?
Between increased hours at the computer and mask-wearing, you may be wondering why your eyes are feeling a little more tired and sensitive. And you're not alone.