Allergies vs Dry Eyes
It’s Spring 🌿🌷🐤 Time for baby animals, warmer days and… allergies.
Allergies can significantly impact how comfortable our eyes are - do itchy, watery, puffy and sore eyes bother you? Seasonal and perennial allergies have symptoms of their own but can also be more problematic if you have drier eyes. When eyes are drier, there aren’t as many tears to flush away allergens.
A good topical antihistamine can provide a lot of relief from itchy and watery eyes, as can an oral antihistamine, but the latter can further dry your eyes out.
An assessment to see if the quality of your tears plays a role in your allergy symptoms may be a good idea, as can a good topical lubricant to soothe the eyes, wash away allergens and also counteract any drying effects of topical or oral antihistamines. Maybe it’s time to get your eyes and tears examined rather than just grabbing those drops from the pharmacy shelf.
Dermatitis on the eyelids can also be a reason for our eyes not looking and feeling their best. Eyelid dermatitis is most commonly attributed to allergies but can also be caused by contact allergies to metals, skincare products and make up and some medications.
Common things that cause dermatitis include
Metals such as nickel, gold & chrome, which can also be found in skin care and makeup
Shellac or shellac wax found in some mascara, lipstick, and adhesive tooth whitening strips.
Topical Antibiotics
Acrylates found in nail polish, artificial and gel nails
For allergic conjunctivitis and dermatitis avoidance is a key part of preventing bothersome symptoms. Cold compresses can be very soothing and can a good unpreserved, lubricating eyedrops to soothe the eyes and flush away allergens.
Getting professional advice can also go a long way - antihistamines, mast cell stabilisers and topical corticosteroids can reduce discomfort. Daily disposable contact lenses may also actually help your symptoms!
And, if you’re suffering from dermatitis around your eyelids consider dermatologic patch testing to identify your specific trigger so you know what to avoid.