Healthy Make Up Habits - Part 1

Have you thought about how your make up habits might affect your eyelash and eye health?

Make Up is meant to make us look and feel more confident. But some of our make-up habits may be letting our eyes down… now and into the future. During October we’re going to cover tips for keeping the eyes healthy & beautiful when wearing make-up.

First Up…

  • Do remember if you wear contact lenses, put these in before you apply make-up and take them out after taking your make up off

  • If you use eye drops as part of dry eye management, put these in 15-30 minutes prior to doing your make up

Take if Off

Remove it at night!! Removing your make up well at the end of the day goes a long way in keeping the eyes clear, comfortable, and healthy. Sleeping in your make up leads to blocked glands and eye infections. As well as avoiding irritated eyes, sleeping in mascara can cause lash thinning and brittleness. Don't skimp on lid cleanser or makeup remover as some eye cosmetics are oil-based, meaning that using plenty of remover means less wiping and pulling on the lashes and eyelids.

Watch Where You Put It

Make sure your skin, eyelids & lashes are clean before you put make up on. Avoid tightlining and putting eyeliner on the inner rim or waterline of your eyelids. This clogs the glands that keep your eyes comfortable and the rim of your eye white and healthy. It also means more make up ends up in your eyes.


Have you been getting MADE?


Dry Eye & Nutrition Update - Part 4