Healthy Make Up Habits - Part 2

Have you thought about how your make up habits might affect your eyelash and eye health?

Make Up is meant to make us look and feel more confident. But some of our make-up habits may be letting our eyes down… now and into the future. Here are a couple more tips for keeping the eyes healthy & beautiful when wearing make-up.

Keep It to Yourself

Never share eye makeup… you're sharing more than just the colour. You wouldn't share a toothbrush, so why would you share mascara or eyeliner? When multiple people use the same makeup, it's been shown there are more bacteria in the product – which becomes shared bacteria.  

Replace It 

We love makeup but so do bacteria & fungi! It's essential to follow the manufacturers' guidelines & replace your makeup, usually every three to six months. Infection causing bacteria grows quickly & preservatives loose effectiveness with time. Bacterial presence is proportional to how old the make-up is & how much you’ve used it.  Worst of all, the build-up of moisture, sebum, & dead skin cells, as well as Demodex mites, accumulates on the makeup applicator over time & can contaminate the product. Keeping eye pencils sharp & cleaning make up brushes every 1-3 weeks also help keep bacteria at bay.

Timing Matters

Remember, if you wear contact lenses, do put these in before you apply makeup & take them out before taking your makeup off. If you use eye drops as part of dry eye management, put these in 15-30 minutes before doing your makeup.


Healthy Make Up Habits - Part 3


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