Professional In Practice Therapies Spotlight - LLLT

There are more and more In Practice Therapies that can improve the signs and symptoms of dry, red eyes and make it easier to manage at home. Today, we’re focusing on Low Light Level Therapy.

Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is another therapy consideration for those with dry eye disease due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Quick, safe and painless, it works via photobiomodulation on the eyelids and periorbital area — using LED light of near-infrared wavelength.

LLLT, like Meibomask®, has been found to affect wound healing, pain modulation, reduce inflammation and normalisation of cell function. The effect of LLLT can be additive to IPL treatment. When used subsequent to IPL, low-level light therapy (LLLT) combined with IPL Therapy has been shown to improve signs and symptoms of MGD.

LLLT typically comes in three different light frequencies—each with its own unique benefits and use cases. The most common, Red Light, reduces inflammation and improves cell metabolism. Blue light is helpful for bacteria elimination, and yellow light, helps improve cell metabolism and reduce swelling, it can also increase skin elasticity.


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