Dry Eye & Nutrition Update - Part 2

Could what you eat make your eyes look and feel better?

What you eat can make an impact on how your eyes look and feel. So here are some times about what dietary changes and supplements can help improve your’e eye appearance and comfort.

The Good Oils. 

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that we absorb through our diet. They come in two forms – long chain found in seafood (EPA & DHA) and short-chain founds in plants such as walnuts and flaxseed (ALA). They are beneficial to health, but our diets often contain a low ratio of omega-3s, which plays a role in inflammation.

Omega-3 has been shown to benefit Dry Eye and improve symptoms and signs of the condition. They reduce inflammation and improve the quality and flow of oil coming from the meibomian glands in your eyelids. 

Diet changes alone can help - A large study showed that women consuming 5-6 servings of tuna a week had a 66% reduction in dry eye disease compared to those eating two or fewer servings2.

As well as tuna, good dietary sources of Omega-3 include walnuts, salmon and other cold-water fatty fish, anchovies, chia seeds and flaxseeds.

If diet changes don't make a difference, you're concerned about heavy metals in seafood, or you have more significant symptoms, it is worth considering omega-3 supplements. Not all Omega-3 supplements are created equal, though. To get the most significant benefit, the formula needs to be re-esterified1, with a ratio of around 2:1 DHA to EPA, with approximately 1000mg DHA to 500mg EPA and taken regularly for at least 12 weeks. Re-esterified formulas, which is influenced by the manufacturing method, are better absorbed. Effects should be noted after 12 weeks, but in most cases, it's beneficial to make omega-3 part of your daily nutrition long-term.

For specific brand recommendations in your region talk to your eyecare professional or contact us.


Dry Eye & Nutrition Update - Part 3


Dry Eye & Nutrition Update - Part 1