Why Do I Get Dry Eyes At Night?
The Struggle is Real
Dry eyes are annoying anytime, but at night, they turn into a whole new beast. Imagine: trying to sleep with gritty, burning eyes, or waking up with them glued shut. For many with dry eye disease, this is their reality.
Don't Let Dry Eyes Steal Your Summer Sunshine!
Sunshine, beaches, barbecues...but wait, are dry eyes holding you back from summer fun? Don't let them! Here are your sizzling tips to keep your eyes cool and refreshed
Eye Drop 101
Eye Drops? Artificial Tears? Lubricants? Whatever you want to call them lubricating eye drops do form the basis of most dry eye management plans.
Warm compresses improve more than Dry Eye
Warm compresses form a key part of the management of meibomian gland dysfunction - key reason for dry, tired eyes and red eyelid margins.
On The Horizon - AZR-MD-001
Azura Ophthalmics is researching a new therapeutic agent, AZR-MD-001, in patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction….
Could Honey be the Answer?
Could Honey be an option to manage your Dry Eye?? Actually yes….
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction???
Do you have dry, sore or tried eyes? Do the rims of your eyelids look red? Do you also have Rosacea?? If you answer yes to any of these questions you probably have meibomian gland dysfunction.
Dry Eye or Allergies?
Is it allergies or dry eyes?? Both can cause redness, burning sensations & sensitive eyes…