What are the most Common Causes of Dry Eye?

Dry Eye Disease is a multifactorial disease and there are often multiple reasons you are affected… But there are contributing factors we see more commonly for making peoples eyes feel tried, gritty and sore, and not be looking their best. Here are the most common causes:

  1. Ageing - While research is showing Dry Eye is affecting younger and younger patients Ageing is a strongly associated with Dry Eye. Most people over the age of 60 years will have a least a few symptoms of dry eye, such as irritation or redness. This is influenced by hormones, and in women often occurs after menopause.

  2. Eyelid Problems - Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Blepharitis, poor eyelid alignment with the eyes all play a significant role in Dry Eye disease and need specific management

  3. Skin Conditions - Eczema, Psoriasis and Rosacea are all inflammatory in nature and can call affect the comfort of your eyes are Dry Eye Disease. Rosacea is strongly associated with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).

  4. Medications - Medications can play a large role in the signs and symptoms of your dry eye disease. Common ones like antihistamines and decongestants (used for allergies and sinus issues), medications for blood pressure, such as beta blockers. skin medications (like Accutate), HRT, and medications for anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions, can all impact your tear film and Dry Eye Disease. You often cannot discontinue your medications so if they are giving you significant symptoms it’s time to talk to your doctor about Dry eyes as a side effect and your eye care practitioner to manage your symptoms while you’re on medications.

  5. Pregnancy - the shift in hormones during pregnancy, particularly excess oestrogen and progesterone, cause increased symptoms. Just knowing this helps you understand, and tolerate why your symptoms have got a bit worse. Talk your eye care professional about what to alter in your treatment plan while you’re pregnant.

  6. Laser Eye Surgery - It will have done brilliant things for your vision but Laser Eye Surgery can cause dry eyes temporary, and for some individuals, longterm, challenges with Dry Eye.

  7. Wind and Dry Eye - that watery response that occurs when you’re out in the wind is actually a response to dry eyes. Anything that increases evaporation can increase dry eye symptoms including fans, AC, heaters and wind.

  8. Smoking - smoking and second hand smoke increases inflammation and evaporation rate of your tears

  9. Slow Blinking - when ever we we read or look at a computer, we blink A LOT less. This reduced blink rate means tears evaporate more. Remember the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes of near or computer work, look 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

  10. Long Term Contact Lens Wear - contact lenses can impact corneal sensation and meibomian gland health. The good news is some lenses are better than others, so things can be improved here.

  11. Your Diet - A diet low in Omega-3 can impact our eye comfort. In addition to Omega-3, vitamins and minerals that are important for the eyes include magnesium, the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E.

  12. Menopause - like in pregnancy, hormone fluctuations in menopause can cause a significant change to the tearfilm. Interestingly some women may find that HRT can be helpful but others can find it makes things worse.

  13. Your General Health - Due to their inflammatory nature medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid problems are commonly linked to dry eye disease.


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